Programs: Our programs are year-round. We are open Monday through Friday. Parents may choose 2 - 5 days a week.
- We offer a morning program 9 am to 1 pm and a whole day program 9 am to 4 pm.
- We also have extended hours 8 to 9 am Monday through Friday, and 4 to 5 pm Monday through Thursday.
- Maximum class size: 12 students with 2 trained teachers
- Organic, nutritious snacks and hot lunch provided.
Activities: The classroom is a rich educational setting filled with hands-on activities for this critical age of development. Everyday activities include:
- Art
- Music
- Food Preparation
- Language
- Sensorial material
- Grace and courtesy lessons
Our beautiful outdoor surroundings:
The opportunity to move freely, developing both fine and gross motor skills is not only important from a physical standpoint, but also from a psychological one.
We have a great big back yard where the children can swing, jump on the trampoline, climb on play structures, ride cars and tricycles; we love to play balls on our big natural grass area!
We work daily on our garden where we planted beans, peas, tomatoes, broccoli and strawberries of course! Children love spending time taking care and watering our vegetable garden. So much fun to watch it grow.
Each day has a pattern and predictable rhythm with which children become familiar. This supports the development of their self-regulation skills within the environment.
9 am: Arrival, greetings.
9 - 10.30 am: Work time. Children choose activities in the classroom & enjoy lessons.
10.45 - 11.45 am: Outside playtime: Swings, bikes, slides, or just playing ball on the grass!
11.45 am - 12.30 pm: Circle time. We sing, we dance, we read, we learn…
12.30 pm: Hot Organic Lunch, mostly provided by our garden!
1 pm: Pick up time
1 - 3 pm: Nap time. Children rest on their individual mats.
3 - 3.30 pm: Children wake up at their own pace.
3.30 pm: Snack time
3.45 pm: Outside time
4 pm: Departure